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Cache as Ram

I got annoyed at using ROM as my stack (it's slow, requires bit of
an effort to get working if doable at all), only using registers
for ram init is also a bit of an effort.. So I took a look at
coreboot & how they do stuff, instantly encountering this apparently
old, but totally new for me concept of using Cache as ram.

In theory, this is as simple as it sounds, configure MTRR subsystem
and clear cache-disable & not-write through bits from cr0, then
clear cache region to use & set stack pointer to CAR base address.

In practise, this proved to be almost as simple, but I was bit too
eager to implement this, skipped parts of intel's manual regarding
Caching, and messed things up for quite a while..


The setup part was quite straightforward, there aren't _too_ many
resources, but old linuxboot docs, coreboot sourcecode + docs, 
mtrr specs & overall intel system programming guide combined were
plenty enough to get this done. You might notice heavy *cough*
inspiration *cough*, aka copying of code parts from coreboot &

However, exit from CAR mode wasn't easy at all.. Well in reality
it was, but I made a silly mistake, which only affected how my 
disk reads worked.  

Before I implemented CAR, disk read worked reliably, even though
admittedly slowly in ATA 28b pio mode. As soon as I added 
Cache As Ram operations into my code, disk reads started suddenly
returning only 00 or FF bytes. Disk identification etc. still
worked correctly, as did all PCI operations, communication with 
interrupt controller, etc...

This was super confusing, for the longest time I believed I had a bug
in my disk driver that is only triggered somehow with this changed

Then, I was reminded that oftentimes disk reads can make use of Cache,
which led me to doublecheck my CAR exit code... I had disabled 
MTRR subsystem, cr3 was 0, but cr0 still had
cache-disable bit set as 0... CPU was using non-configured cache.

After changing cache-disable to 1 in cr0, everything worked just
fine again.


I wont be going too deeply in detail here, linuxboot & coreboot
docs explain this stuff way better than I do, however here's a short
walkthrough of how to enable cache-as-ram on intel i386&x86 machines.

As always, don't copy-paste my code & use it as is, it may break stuff.

%define CACHE_AS_RAM_BASE       0x08000000
%define CACHE_AS_RAM_SIZE       0x2000
%define MTRR_PAIR_VALID         0x800

%define MTRR_PHYB_LO            (CACHE_AS_RAM_BASE | \
%define MTRR_PHYB_REG0          0x200
%define MTRR_PHYB_HI            0x00

; mask
%define MTRR_PHYM_LO            ((~((CACHE_AS_RAM_SIZE) - 1)) | \

%define MTRR_PHYM_HI            0xF
%define MTRR_PHYM_REG0          0x201

%define MTRR_DEFTYPE_REG0       0x2FF
%define MTRR_ENABLE             0x800
; setup MTRR base
    mov     eax, MTRR_PHYB_LO       ; mtrr phybase low
    mov     ecx, MTRR_PHYB_REG0     ; ia32 mtrr phybase reg0
    xor     edx, edx

    ; setup MTRR mask
    mov     eax, MTRR_PHYM_LO
    mov     ecx, MTRR_PHYM_REG0
    mov     edx, MTRR_PHYM_HI

    ; enable MTRR subsystem
    mov     ecx, MTRR_DEFTYPE_REG0
    or      eax, MTRR_ENABLE

    ; enter normal cache mode
    mov     eax, cr0
    and     eax, 0x9FFFFFFF
    mov     cr0, eax

    ; establish tags for cache-as-ram region in cache
    mov     esi, CACHE_AS_RAM_BASE
    mov     ecx, (CACHE_AS_RAM_SIZE / 2)
    rep     lodsw

    ; clear cache memory region
    mov     edi, CACHE_AS_RAM_BASE
    mov     ecx, (CACHE_AS_RAM_SIZE / 2)
    rep     stosw

    xor     ax, ax
    mov     ss, ax
    mov     esp, (CACHE_AS_RAM_BASE + CACHE_AS_RAM_SIZE)

; Done, now cache is used as stack,.. hopefully.
; atleast it works on my machine!